
Monday, November 15, 2010

'tis the season...

to be jolly...
I think so.  Well the dance season is a jolly time for me. 

I am thrilled at the progression of my students, their commitment, and desires.  Gads, I just sound like a proud "momma" but I am. :)

This was week two of all the Levels new series.  It was a delight to see all the new and returning faces with the added diversity to my students.  Niiiice!!!!

Plus, a new experience for the babies was dancing with live musicians.  Fortunately, these musicians are excellent in working with dancers especially newbies.  They lead the way nicely and responded to my cue when needed...and the student dancers were none the wiser on what happened, they were just dancing having a good time.  What a great experience in all!!!

I couldn't have been more pleased.

I do have to say having someone dis'd my male dancer for being a dancer, as I later found out, did upset me.  People are so ignorant and I am guessing "threatened" by this??? I don't know but it was uncalled for and rude. 

I also found out my dancer heard this comment and it affected him deeply.  This made me sad, but he understands that he is a unique member to this dance community and people especially other men can be confused and "threatened" by men who like to dance especially belly dance.  Plus, having the misconception that all male dancers are gay...WRONG!!!

Anyway, I goat trailed a bit, I couldn't be more proud of all my dancers, they are the true spirit of the dance and they love to share it too!!!!
