
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ucanto thrives and grows...

I am loving the fact that ucanto is going strongly and dancing strongly and having lots of fun along the way.

I am blessed in so many ways in regards to the students I have, the friends that have come from it, and the reconnections that seem to be presenting themselves in the community again.  Maturity and time can be such a good friend in the end.

Having enthusiastic students who are willing to do whatever it takes to learn this style of dance is what makes it all worthwhile for me, even when dealing with some of the growth aspects of the more senior dancers. 

We all have times when we are not so sure of ourselves in whatever adventure we undertake but when we get some time under our belts our confidences increase, this is when a nasty pitfall can occur.  Over confidence.  We all do it, so don't think your exempt.

I still do that even with my experience level and dance level, but I have to keep in mind that we are all human but I still am the most senior (not just age LOL) dancer due to experience in the room.  Especially in the dance form I teach. 

I might not have jumped on the teaching bandwagon so many years ago, but I have more to offer from the start with the experience I have acquired over the years in getting to where I am with teaching.

Do I love to teach? I sure do!!!
But admittedly I am embracing the expansion of new teachers by having them substitute for me so I can actually have a life once in a while.  Not a reflection on any of the baby dancers, I just need to revitalize once in a while and this enables me to do so and allows the newer teachers the opportunity to put in place practical application of their new skills and how it works within this structure.

It is a very exciting process I have to admit. :)

Let's Dance!!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lucky Me!!!

My head is a buzz, my legs are like lead weights and achy, but my heart soars and smiles.

How in the world do I go about talking about this weekend?

I am not too sure however, I am gonna give it a try/

The weeks leading up to this weekend were full of dancing, full of quelling self-doubts if possible, encouraging personal growths. I did what a teacher is supposed to do…teach, and that means all aspects of the dance not just the movements…1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and, 6, and 7, and, 8.

More classes were requested as this weekend approached and it was made so. Meaning lots more of my time was devoted to the dance. That was ok. Even with my birthday happening just before it and all the various things surrounding that and just plain having my day job too. J

I have to make one side note that stresses were up to an all time high in general but my time with my students and fellow dancers seem to make that all go away even for those short periods of time we danced.

Thursday was my 50th birthday and it was the first time I had taken my birthday off in years. It was relaxing and wonderful despite the flower debockle with the cats and a hard drive crashing for Mr Man. But it got better since I got to share it with Mr Man and with some lovely ladies doing the Thursday night class at my home studio. When it came time for class, ta da….flowers and a gift of wine were in hand and it was just the start from and with my baby dancers. Course I made sure (at the help of Mr Man) that the ladies had some sugary goodness before leaving in a chocolate checkerboard mousse cakey treat. Stickiness…fun!!! (but tasty)

Friday for me was the last minute details in prepping for all the dancing the weekend would bring and for the class that followed on Sunday; plus the quick replacement of flowers for my performance hair this weekend. Course out of the line of fire from the cats. J

Saturday started simple enough except this weather…but life pressed on. I got there not long after the initial plan to do my quick shopping and have a close enough parking spot for the quick get away to go to the next dancing gig after MedFest…yes, you read and heard right…it wasn’t a typo on my schedule or site. ;)

Everyone arrived as scheduled with bells on, it was awfully warm for the weather so the potential for "melting" even before dancing was high. LOL We still managed to get some nice pre-dancing photos by Mr Man. YAY! I have to admit I am not thrilled with what I personally see in the photos. My figure that I worked hard to find again has slowly returned to what I hate most in my looks. The photos make it look even worse with that "dreaded extra 10 pounds that video and photos ADD" Bleh…28-30 looked 38-40 on me in gain…well, that is changing and some steps are already in place to move forward with for me. Enough on that…

I have never felt so "relaxed" with a performance when it comes to my babies as I was that day….I was honestly surprised by that and to have a fellow Sister Studio Teacher joining in on the fun, dancing for the first time with 5 of my Advanced students WITHOUT even so much as a quick run through beforehand made my day even more brilliant despite the weather uncertainty. I knew it would work, never doubted it, so I honestly never thought twice about it, and neither did they since they had a guest dancer at Cues & Tattoos. So I honestly think they didn’t think twice about it either…or they trusted me in what I shared.

I have never been so proud of what I witnessed, danced and reviewed later as that first day. However, my mind was dealing with whatever SHARP object I stepped on and it embedded I my foot during the performance, and then gathering those people going to the next venue together and buzzing out. I have to say it was great and awkward at the same time since I didn’t get to watch too many other dancers throughout the day, hell weekend, but I did see some. J

Traveling down to the next venue was a blast, I love my students beyond them dancing with me and in those times of "non-dance" moments that side emerges and it is a blast too!

Laughing is just too awesome!!!!

Our performance that night was far removed from the more structured one at MedFest, this was just about having fun and whatever happens happens….and of course it did. Dancing on damp grass, hot rods all around, and the crowd that loves their machines made for an awesome time even with some gliche’s.

All levels performed there and all levels just hung on to whatever was going to happen and just danced. Course 30 minutes sets are LONG! That is probably the first and last time that long a set will happen and that is ok…GREAT learning curve and experience for everyone (including me) but 15-20 it will be in the future. *chuckles*

Dancing at dusk too was actually quite surreal but in that magical way too. Having the burlesque troupe pay their compliments, and others just thrilled to have us there was the topper to it all. (Regardless of someone that decided to be an ass…we and meaning especially me, was so honored and blown away at the rallying of the supporters that had our backs and our honors maintained.) For that I am TRULY humbled and proud to call them friend. J

The day was long and ended well…I smiled between yawns and laughed even more heading home.

The night was short however, I was still a buzz and had a mental run down of what needed to happen on Sunday, but the next door neighbors dog barking woke me and kept me awake for over an hour. So when the alarm went off, it was far too early for me after that night….another bleh.

Well, the weather wasn’t cooperating any better this day but costuming was a bit easier for me but I still managed to run a bit late in leaving the house, however, traffic was with me this time…Sat was so so but it still worked.

This day was devoted to the all inclusive group so all levels of dancers were going to strut their stuff. Yes, more was going through my head but I knew too that whatever was going to happen will and just to be there for the absolute baby dancers "just in case" I wasn’t going to lead the entire time … they needed to, and they needed to remember how to follow what they knew, I and the few Advanced Students were there to help them shine, as well as a learning experience for the Advanced on how to dance, support, lead new dancers, not be the "stars" in this performance. BUT…if all advanced students ended up in a formation together of course they could pull their stuff out too…remember ALL INCLUSIVE. J

Pictures beforehand were also on the agenda and do to miscommunications one of the other photo bugs in the group was the one to do the deal…and I even got to climb a tree for this picture. J

But little did I know what was afoot with the students.

I won’t go into ever detail but having bustled skirts are a great way to conceal stuff, especially birthday presents from my students. It gives me chills in that " I am not gonna cry" moment when I recall what they did for me. Firstly, I love I have quite the twisted and fun group of people that I do in my students…that in itself is quite awesome….but the fact they went above and beyond for me. Well, even using the word "humble" seems trite..because it went beyond that feeling. I did managed to NOT cry even though I wanted to cry. (Afterall a performance was at hand )

Let’s put it this way with the assistance of all the students involved, Mr Man, and even Kathleen Crowley. I have my own custom-made, custom colored, capri version of Kathleen Crowley’s fuffy ruffles (yes the ones that a short sh*t can wear)…I believed they were called "Jessica pants" (she doesn’t make them any more) But this apparently all started around Cues & Tattoos, even to the point that Kathleen saw me and could size me up as it were *laughes* complete with a matching hankerchief. (Finished off with a blushing bottle of wine for the gifts at that moment.) I obviously wore them to perform in that day. Changing into them was a whole other spectacle and lots more laughing. Yes, I believe there are pics of that too.

The performance time came, all was good, and getting more relaxing even for me, but of course I had been distracted enough by now that no matter what happened again, it was all good. The performance had its issues, but if they didn’t I woulda wondered, we all smiled, we all had fun, we all just went with the flow and the audience had my babies backs too. (Both days the audience filled up and were cheering and supportive. I was so so so pleased, as a performer, as an instructor but even moreso as the Tribal Mumma of my babies. Whom I always try to keep safe in their dance and dance experience if I can.

Once the performance was over it was time to chill for a while. Everyone scattered to finish out their weekends as they needed. I however got to wander a bit, spend some time with Mr Man at MedFest before heading off to class for the night. Yes, class after MedFest.

I was willing to not do class but the students weren’t, so class was on.

And on it was, small (as expected) but great!!!!!!

But it even came with its surprises…fun dancing, great talks before class, some munchie goodness, and then to my surprised, cupcakes again to celebrate my birthday…WOW!

The night obviously was a little more forgiving on everyone’s bodies and brains INCLUDING mine but fun thing is, we got A LOT accomplished in the night too!!!! Score!!!!

So, as disjointed as this might read as whole, it is the brief rundown of the weekend, and why my heart is singing inside, why I push in my own dance to share it with those that want it from me, and how very much I love, respect, and cherish my students aka friends.

I am truly a lucky girl! (Well, maybe more aptly put "crone" now) No matter, I am lucky!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tacoma Tuesdays!!!!

Well, class #3 is under the belt, each one providing new faces and new experiences...all just NEW.

I could not be more thrilled at coming down to dance with the lovely ladies that have crossed the threshold of the studio...I am truly honored.

The studio is a large one and is based in a church that acts not only as a church to their parishioners it is also a community/office center that contributes back to the community via the leasing/renting of some of the otherwise "unused" spaces.   
The view from the studio is tremendous, after all we are on the 3rd floor, underneath the old bell tower.  Yes lots of fun jokes could be inserted there. :)

The mirrors have to be hung according to the walls and the pillars so that makes for an interesting and challenging way to see all the students from the teacher's perspective but it seems to work fine for the students.  Which bottom line is what matters is they can see, cause I can turn around and move around LOL.

Working out of two Ballet studios (Seattle and Tacoma) make me appreciate my old dance roots even more and brings back memories.   But it also helps me know what I want to do in a studio come the day I have one of my own.  Maybe one day I will be grown up enough to have my own place to bring dance to those that seek it out...not just ATS bellydance (where my heart is with this body) but more types of dance since a DANCER I am.

Some day....
Some day has come for others which is awesome...but it will come for me too.
After all I have my own tiny studio now, but a bigger one is the dream...the dream to have even more dance available.

For now I travel to those that want/need me to find their ATS legs and I am just truly excited that I am able to share this amazing dance with more people. much more to come for you all!!!!

Seattle/Northend are on your way!!!!

All of you awesome dancers...thank you and LET'S DANCE!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Supposed to Do and What it Does:::

For me dance is the outlet.  Physically, emotionally, intellectually, creatively, and so on.  I sink into the music when I dance, I share when I dance, I am vulnerable when I dance...I look for and most of the time find joy in the dance.

Isn't that what you are supposed to feel or find when dancing?  I think so.

So, why is it that so often there comes strife with the dance? 

It saddens me when strife presents itself from something that is creative and potentially blissful.

It is called "others"...others that seek control, others that push their personal imagery or chaos onto the other dancers without exception, it is poor instruction, it is a long list of life and the subjectivity of each person involved.  Granted if any of these reasons cause the dance to not be your cuppa tea, then move on to what is, but sometimes that strife comes in so subtly and before you know it, it has become a soul destroyer.

What do you do to pick up the pieces and move on?  Love the dance but fear it?  Afraid to step out of that safe place now and share your dance but your inner being knows that is what you are supposed to do.

Twice I found that place...
I nearly quit dancing in any form outside of personal dance all together.
But I was taught to pick yourself up by those perverbial "boot straps" and keep going if it is truly who you are and what you love.  It isn't easy to do.

I opted to seek out more training. I sought out information. I looked within as I looked with out.  I did that soul searching and found I belonged in the dance.
I was supposed to do what I am doing now....teaching, performing, mentoring, and guiding without judgement or cause...outside of producing the best and most knowledgable dancers I can.
Teaching what I love, in the manner it is supposed to be, as if being taught directly by the Master of the dance.

I strive from the strife to produce better dancers than I.
I welcome any and all that wander into my class to let them know they are home if they so choose it, and accept if it might not be for them.
I am the vessel that is pouring the information into the cups of those that wish to drink from it.
Dance if you dare to live.


Friday, February 25, 2011


I take pride in this dance called ATS and I am constantly astonished at how it is used in a manner to promote ones self ONLY.

I am about the team work, the community of the dance, the sharing of joy, but I see others attach alterior motives.  I truly love this dance and what it represents. I defend it and will beg to differ when a spin is being placed on it that doesn't exist or shouldn't be there. 

It was created and it continues to have ebb and flow but it is what it is...nothing more.

It is not Victorian Gothic, it is not Circus arts, it is not authentic to any specific region, it is not a lot of things that are being thrown out there and are attaching the label ATS.

It is also not a dance that can be taught by people that have only been doing this dance a year.  Sure maybe the basics but to truly understand the dance it takes time, it takes growth, it takes experience.

I could have started teaching this dance about 7-8 yrs ago, but did I think I was qualified to do so...hell no!
I am technically minded in dance forms, I have taught lots of things over my lifetime, but did I REALLY know what this dance was about back then...HELL NO!
Not to the depth and bredth that I do now...and I am so glad I waited.  I have MORE to offer, I have lots of experience to share and help guide people in a much more compassionate way, or challenging way, or whatever manner they need it.

I have experiences with all sorts of versions of Tribal so I see where people are "at" and where they need to go in order to find the ATS way of posture or movement.  Did I "know" that then...HELL NO...even if my only learning was straight up ATS only....I would NEVER have presumed to have the knowledge to teach it to someone else with any authority.

To see what I see, and am saddened at the level of self-proclaimed ability to teach this dance with dancers that are so new to it, especially when their own skill level might not even grant them a position in a student troupe with me.

Am I too hard??? Do I care too much??? Do I put too much value on the dance and technique????

I don't think so...but maybe others do...well apparently so cause this is exactly what others are doing and promoting.

I am sad (and slightly pissed), but I hold true to my own personal values and beliefs and will produce the best dancers I can within the dancer's abilities.  I won't pet them and cajol them in a manner that elevates their egos where they have no business being...however, I will strive to the best of my ability to help them actually get to where they want to be...egos included. ;)*

I have pride in what I do both in performing and teaching, instilling the best in the dancers that I possibily can!!!
Am I proud?  Sure of what my students are stepping up to do...I couldn't be more proud of them.

But am I - for the students and my own faults keep me humble for I am human and make errors. 

But I won't mislead anyone either.  I just can't do that disservice to another person...period.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A New Year...

Welcome 2011:::...
I am looking forward to what this year hopes to bring in the world of dance for me and my students.

Last year ended with a bang with the students dancing at Alauda.  What an awesome event and venue for students to stretch there wings.  It was so fun to have 9 of us up on stage dancing from all the student levels and everyone was so wonderful in giving it a try in the spot they were best suited for in the performance. 
On a personal note, switching up to only one dance in the performance for me was a good thing - firstly, to help show case the students; secondly, falling on my knees just an hour before hand made it even better that it was only one song for me.  Made it nice on another note for me to be able to see what was going on from the chorus from the "teachers point of view"...and wow, what I saw from the back, looked far different from the front, while there were hiccups as expected, I was quite pleased. :)

I see lots of potential in my students and I have lots of things in the works to help them amp up their game even more.  I am just trying to put all the pieces together to formalize some stuff for them. :D

The new series started with some fresh new faces that had never done belly dance or had tried ATS, so this is exciting to be able to share what I love with fresh hearts too.

So in the world of dance for me....I have my passion, I have my escape, and I have WONDERFUL students/dancers that are learning what I love and doing so beautifully...I am a proud Tribal Momma.  They ROCK!!!

Along with the students abilities and commitments...I want to acknowledge their family members/partners that have been so encouraging and supportive of them in their dance venture.  I cannot THANK them enough either and they need to be acknowledged for their part in this adventure!!!!  You Rock Too!

Monday, November 15, 2010

'tis the season...

to be jolly...
I think so.  Well the dance season is a jolly time for me. 

I am thrilled at the progression of my students, their commitment, and desires.  Gads, I just sound like a proud "momma" but I am. :)

This was week two of all the Levels new series.  It was a delight to see all the new and returning faces with the added diversity to my students.  Niiiice!!!!

Plus, a new experience for the babies was dancing with live musicians.  Fortunately, these musicians are excellent in working with dancers especially newbies.  They lead the way nicely and responded to my cue when needed...and the student dancers were none the wiser on what happened, they were just dancing having a good time.  What a great experience in all!!!

I couldn't have been more pleased.

I do have to say having someone dis'd my male dancer for being a dancer, as I later found out, did upset me.  People are so ignorant and I am guessing "threatened" by this??? I don't know but it was uncalled for and rude. 

I also found out my dancer heard this comment and it affected him deeply.  This made me sad, but he understands that he is a unique member to this dance community and people especially other men can be confused and "threatened" by men who like to dance especially belly dance.  Plus, having the misconception that all male dancers are gay...WRONG!!!

Anyway, I goat trailed a bit, I couldn't be more proud of all my dancers, they are the true spirit of the dance and they love to share it too!!!!
