
Friday, February 25, 2011


I take pride in this dance called ATS and I am constantly astonished at how it is used in a manner to promote ones self ONLY.

I am about the team work, the community of the dance, the sharing of joy, but I see others attach alterior motives.  I truly love this dance and what it represents. I defend it and will beg to differ when a spin is being placed on it that doesn't exist or shouldn't be there. 

It was created and it continues to have ebb and flow but it is what it is...nothing more.

It is not Victorian Gothic, it is not Circus arts, it is not authentic to any specific region, it is not a lot of things that are being thrown out there and are attaching the label ATS.

It is also not a dance that can be taught by people that have only been doing this dance a year.  Sure maybe the basics but to truly understand the dance it takes time, it takes growth, it takes experience.

I could have started teaching this dance about 7-8 yrs ago, but did I think I was qualified to do so...hell no!
I am technically minded in dance forms, I have taught lots of things over my lifetime, but did I REALLY know what this dance was about back then...HELL NO!
Not to the depth and bredth that I do now...and I am so glad I waited.  I have MORE to offer, I have lots of experience to share and help guide people in a much more compassionate way, or challenging way, or whatever manner they need it.

I have experiences with all sorts of versions of Tribal so I see where people are "at" and where they need to go in order to find the ATS way of posture or movement.  Did I "know" that then...HELL NO...even if my only learning was straight up ATS only....I would NEVER have presumed to have the knowledge to teach it to someone else with any authority.

To see what I see, and am saddened at the level of self-proclaimed ability to teach this dance with dancers that are so new to it, especially when their own skill level might not even grant them a position in a student troupe with me.

Am I too hard??? Do I care too much??? Do I put too much value on the dance and technique????

I don't think so...but maybe others do...well apparently so cause this is exactly what others are doing and promoting.

I am sad (and slightly pissed), but I hold true to my own personal values and beliefs and will produce the best dancers I can within the dancer's abilities.  I won't pet them and cajol them in a manner that elevates their egos where they have no business being...however, I will strive to the best of my ability to help them actually get to where they want to be...egos included. ;)*

I have pride in what I do both in performing and teaching, instilling the best in the dancers that I possibily can!!!
Am I proud?  Sure of what my students are stepping up to do...I couldn't be more proud of them.

But am I - for the students and my own faults keep me humble for I am human and make errors. 

But I won't mislead anyone either.  I just can't do that disservice to another person...period.

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